
Allison, A. C., Beveridge, W. I., Cockburn, W. C., East, J., Goodman, H. C., Koprowski, H., Lambert, P. H., van Lochem, J. J., Miescher, P. A., Mimms, C. A., Notkins, A. L., & Torrigiani, G. (1972). Virus-associated immunopathology: animal models and implications for human disease. 1. Effects of viruses on the immune system, immune-complex diseases, and antibody-mediated immunologic injury. Bulletin of the World Health Organization47(2), 257–264.



The tissue damage caused by virus infection has been traditionally explained by the ability of viruses to multiply in cells and thereby injure or destroy them. Recent evidence suggests, however, that lesions may also be caused by the host’s immune response to viral antigens and that the immune system itself may be perturbed by some viruses. This memorandum reviews recent developments in viral immunopathology, with special reference to animal model systems, and indicates the possible relevance of the new concepts and techniques for certain diseases of man. This memorandum reviews recent developments in viral immunopathology, with special reference to animal model systems, and indicates the possible relevance of the new concepts and techniques for certain diseases of man. Certain viruses, notably the leukaemia viruses and some of those causing persistent infections, depress the host’s ability to mount an antibody response to antigens, while other viruses may enhance the antibody response. Cell-mediated immunity may also be depressed. Another immunopathological manifestation of virus infection is immune-complex disease. Further combination with complement leads to the release of tissue-damaging substances. Both oncogenic and non-oncogenic viruses frequently induce new antigens on the surface of the cells they invade. A third condition associated with virus infection is antibody-mediated immunologic injury. Both oncogenic and non-oncogenic viruses frequently induce new antigens on the surface of the cells they invade. When antibody attaches to these antigens in the presence of complement, the cells are destroyed.




The lesions associated with virus infections have traditionally been explained by the ability of viruses to replicate in cells and hence cause cell injury and even death. However, recent studies indicate that virus-associated tissue damage may be due in part to the immune response of the host to viral antigens. The properties of viruses are seemingly ideal for producing immunopathological damage. Viruses are foreign antigens and, being self-replicating, can continue to produce antigen for long periods of time. Certain viruses are also known to be able to induce new antigens on the surface of cells they infect. The host’s immune system can respond to these antigens.


In view of these properties, immunopathological changes may be initiated by a number of different mechanisms in the course of virus infection:


1. Certain viruses can infect the cells of the immune system and cause direct immunological derangements. Many processes and parameters of immune function may be thus affected, including graft rejection, the induction of immunological tolerance, antibody production, graft-versus-host reactions, lymphocyte transformation, immunoglobulin levels, phagocytosis, and delayed-type skin reactions.


2. The host’s immune response to viral antigens can lead to the formation of virus-antibody complexes capable of reacting with anti-immunoglobulins, rheumatoid factor, and the components of complement.


3. New antigens produced by viruses on infected cell surfaces can interact with specific antiviral antibody plus complement, thus causing cell destruction.


4. Recent findings suggest that sensitized lymphocytes can also react with virus-induced cell surface antigens and destroy the cell. Furthermore, cell-mediated (or antibody-mediated) immune responses to viruses may result in the release or activation of biological mediators causing immunopathological changes.


5. An autoimmune response may be produced if the virus
a) releases host-cell antigens,
b) alters host-cell antigens and act as a “helper-determinant”, or
c) depresses the host genome, thus increasing the production of embryonic or other antigens.


In addition, the genetic make up of the host, while not a mechanism of producing immunopathological damage, can influence the nature and severity of injury incurred during virus infection (Notkinsetal.,1970).


In some infections, such as lymphocytic chorio-meningitis, the immune response of the host may be the principal cause of the pathological manifestations while in other infections it may be of less importance. In most if not all virus infections, the host’s immune response probably contributes some what to the pathological picture. It should be emphasized, however, that in the majority of cases the overall effect of the immune response is more likely to be beneficial than harmful.


Recent studies on virus-induced immunopathological reactions in domestic and experimental animals have led to the development of concepts and technical methods that may be useful in investigating certain viral diseases in man, including hepatitis. Progress in the field of viral immunopathology has been rapid, and it was felt that a summary and critical review of present knowledge would encourage its wider application to clinical problems. Only selected references have been included, since the breadth of the subject made a complete review of the literature impracticable. Suggestions for further lines of investigation in viral immunopathology in general and in viral hepatitis in particular will be offered in Part2 of this Memorandum, to be published later.





が証明された。ウイルスの中には、特異的抗原やフィトヘマグルチニンへの曝露で幼若化したリンパ球でのみ複製可能な種があるようである。しかし、免疫系への感染全てが細胞破壊になるわけではない。中には持続的感染を生じるものもある。例えば、EBVに感染すると、in vitroで持続的なリンパ系細胞株が樹立され、白血病ウイルス感染では悪性化することがある。

It has long been known that certain virus infections can alter the morphology of lymphoid organs. Electron microscopy studies have demonstrated the presence of virus particles in cells of the lympho-reticular system, such as macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, thymocytes, Kupffer cells, and stem cells. More recent investigations have shown that certain viruses are able to replicate in macrophages (e.g.,arboviruses, murine hepatitis virus, lactate dehydrogenase virus(LDV], and herpes simplex virus(HSV]) while others can replicate in lymphocytes (e.g.,lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus[LCMV], leukaemia viruses, and Epstein-Barr virus[EBVD]). Several viruses appear to replicate only in lymphocytes that have undergone blasttransformation following exposure to specific antigen or phytohaemagglutinin. Not all infections of the immune system, however, result in cell destruction; some lead to a persistent infection. For example, infection with EBV can result in the establishment of a continuous lymphoid cell line in vitro, while infection with the leukaemia viruses may be followed by malignant transformation.


Recent studies indicate that certain virus infections can affect the function of the immune system. These investigations have utilized the immune response to a variety of antigens unrelated to the infecting virus in order to evaluate immunologic function. Murine leukaemia viruses have received the most attention. These viruses usually depress the immune system, under certain circumstances to a significant extent(Dent,1972). For example, the number of antibody-producing cells as determined by the haemolytic plaque test (Jeme) may reportedly be depressed by as much as 99%. In general, infection prior to the injection of antigen was found to result in immunodepression, whereas infection after antigen administration had considerably less effect. The degree of immunodepression was dependent on the dose of virus and on the nature and concentration of the particular antigen. Moreover, some evidence has been adduced that the leukaemia viruses (particularly Friend virus) can exert “selectively” depressive effects, i.e. that they produce a greater depression of the 7S than of the 19S immune response. Selective effects also have been described in connection with other viruses. Infection with Aleutian disease virus(ADV) can result in the appearance in the serum of an excess of monoclonal immunoglobulin. It also has been claimed that LDV and LCMV can produce an acute and “selective” depression of T cells, but these results need to be confirmed and extended. Several non-oncogenic viruses (e.g., ADV, LCMV, and Junin virus) are also able to depress the humoral immune response. In addition, certain viruses, such as LDV, LCMV, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus(VEEV), can prevent the development of experimentally-induced immunologic tolerance.

 ウイルス感染による影響は、その多くが体液性免疫に関する研究だが、細胞性免疫や細網内皮系機能も、近年の研究により感染影響で抑制されることが証明されている。例えば、同種移植片拒絶反応 は、グロス白血病ウイルス感染動物では大きく抑制され、LDV感染動物の抑制度は軽微である。ラスチャーウイルス,フレンドウイルス,麻疹・風疹ウイルス等の多くのウイルスが、リンパ球幼若化反応を阻害することが証明された。

Although most studies of viral effects have been concerned with the humoral immune response, recent investigations of cell-mediated immunity and reticulo-endothelial function demonstrate that these too can be depressed. For example, allograft rejection is profoundly depressed in animals infected with Gross leukaemia virus and mildly depressed in animals infected with LDV. A number of viruses, including the Rauscher and Friend viruses and those causing measles and rubella, have been shown to inhibit blast transformation of lymphocytes(Dent,1972).


Not all viruses exert depressant effects on the immune system. Several, such as LDV and VEEV, can act as adjuvants and potentiate the immune response to certain antigens.


A number of mechanisms have been postulated to explain the immunodepressive effect of certain virus infections(Allison,1972;Notkinsetal.,1970). These include(1)virus-induced changes in the uptake and processing of antigens, possibly by alteration of cell surfaces;(2)depression of nucleic acid and protein (antibody) synthesis; (3)destruction of antibody-producing cells or their precursors;(4)alteration of thymic function; (5)acceleration of immunoglobulin catabolism;(6)antigenic competition;and (7)lymphocytolysis as a result of increased adrenocortical secretion.


Possible explanations of the immunologic enhancement associated with virus infections include (1)altered uptake and processing of antigens; (2)increase in the number of antibody-producing cells or their precursors; and (3)enhanced metabolism of antibody-producing cells.


The effects of virus infections on immune function may have several important pathological repercussions. Virus-induced immunodepression might allow certain infections to persist, there by adding to the antigenic load and increasing the likelihood of immunopathological consequences (e.g..immune-complex disease). Moreover, depression of the immune response might trigger or enhance the growth of certain tumours. Virus-induced potentiation of immune response might also have immunopathological consequences, such as the development of autoimmune disorders (WHO Scientific Group on Factors Regulating the Immune Response,1970).



(1)A systematic evaluation of the effects of viruses on immune function should be undertaken. A number of viruses should be studied and a standard set of immune function tests should be employed. Among the factors that deserve special investigation are antigen types (e.g.,thymus-dependent versus non-thymus-dependent),antigen dose, and the time relationship between infection and antigen administration.


(2)The effects of virus infection on different cell types (e.g., macrophages, T and B lymphocytes) should be studied in greater detail, with morphologic changes perhaps serving as an indication of functional alterations. Since differences in terminology often make it difficult to assess reports of pathological changes in lymphoid tissue, all modifications of the lymphoid organs should be described according to standardized criteria. Efforts at standardization are currently being supported by the World Health Organization.

3)例えば7Sと19S抗体の抑制、B細胞機能と対照のT細胞機能への影響(Allison et al., 1971)など、ウイルスが実際に免疫系に選択的影響を有するか確認する試みが必要である。感染ウイルスが、ウイルス抗原に反応する細胞を多少なり選択的に損傷させた場合に、ウイルスに対する免疫反応自体が損なわれる可能性も検討が必要である。事実であれば、マウス白血病ウイルス、肝炎ウイルス、亜急性硬化性脳炎、LDV/LCMV/ADV感染など、特定のウイルス感染の長期化において、ウイルス誘発性の免疫抑制が極めて有用である可能性がある。

(3)An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by depressing 7S versus 19S antibody, or by affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function (Allisonetal.,1971). The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus may itself be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens. If this proves to be the case, virus-induced immunodepression might conceivably be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukaemia, hepatitis, sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis, or infections caused by LDV, LCMV, or ADV.


It is well known that the persistence of antigen-antibody complexes in the circulating blood can lead to serum sickness, as manifested by glomerulonephritis, polyarteritis, urticaria, arthralgia, and arthritis.


Recently,it has been shown in animals that viruses can persist in the blood stream in the form of virus-antibody complexes, and that the deposition of these complexes in the kidney can produce an immune-complex type of glomerulonephritis.


Infectious virus-antibody complexes have been detected in the blood of animals with murine leukae-mias and those infected with LDV, ADV, and LCMV (Mellorsetal.,1969;Oldstone&Dixon,1969;Notkinsetal.,1966;Porteretal.,1969;Oldstone&Dixon,1971b, respectively).


Preliminary evidence suggests that infectious complexes also exist in the blood stream of horses infected with equine infectious anaemia virus(EIAV)(McGuireetal.,1971).


Immunopathological studies have revealed the presence of viral antigens, specific antiviral antibody, and complement in the kidneys of these animals (Oldstone&Dixon,1971b).


Severe glomerulonephritis has been found in LCMV carrier mice (Hotchin&Collins,1964;Oldstone&Dixon,1969,1971b).


The severity of the disease appears to be related to the strain of the mouse, the amount of LCMV, and the amount of antiviral antibody (Oldstone&Dixon,1969).


Aleutian disease of mink also is characterized by severe glomerulonephritis (Porteretal.,1969).


All mink appear to be susceptible to infection by ADV, but those homozygous for the Aleutian gene develop a more severe form of the disease, characterized by heavy deposition of virus, antibody, and complement in the glomeruli.


However, relatively mild glomeru-lar lesions are seen in mice infected with LDV.


In humans, circulating Australia antigen can exist in the form of antigen-antibody complexes(Zucker-man,1971).


One case of immune-complex nephritis with deposition of Australia antigen, IgG, and complement in the glomeruli has been reported, and in 4 cases of hepatitis autopsy disclosed the presence of Australia antigen, IgG, IgM, and complement in glomerular capillaries.


There is generally little evidence that vasculitis can be caused by virus-antibody complexes, but vascular lesions suggestive of polyarteritis nodosa and containing immunoglobulins have been reported late in the course of infection with ADV and EIAV.


Recently, polyarteritis nodosa has been described in patients with circulating Australia antigen (Gockeetal.,1971); in one such case, Australia antigen, immunoglobulin, and complement were detected in the arterial wall (Gockeetal.,op.cit.).


In 5 cases of fatal hepatitis, Australia antigen, immunoglobulin, and complement were found in the intima of arterioles exhibiting changes typical of periarteritis.


It has also been suggested that immune complexes may be causally involved in the urticaria and arthritis (Alpertetal.,1971) sometimes associated with hepatitis.


Although deposition of circulating immune complexes appears to be the most likely explanation of these findings, the possibility has not been excluded that viral antibody might attach to viral antigens released locally from infected cells or to virus-induced antigens on the surface of infected cells (see section entitled “Antibody-mediated immunopathological injury”).


In several autopsy studies of patients with various forms of hepatitis, intracellular and extracellular deposits of Australia antigen, immunoglobulins and complement were reportedly found in liver parenchymal and Kupffer cells (Nowos-lawskietal.,1972).


In these cases, immunoglobulins directed specifically against Australia antigen were eluted from the liver with 2.5 M thiocyanate.


At present, however, there is very little information available to pinpoint the factors responsible for producing virus-induced immune-complex disease.


Whether the causal factor is the size of the complex, the nature of the viral antigen, the amount or type of antibody, the attachment of accessory factors such as complement (Winchesteretal.,1971) or rheumatoid factor (Notkins,1971;Winchesteretal.,1971;Ziegenfussetal.,1971), or the rate at which the antigen and antibody turnover (in the glomeru-lar lesions) remains to be determined.


To date, virus-induced immune-complex disease has been attributed to the deposition of virus-antibody complexes during persistent virus infections (Oldstone&Dixon,1971b).

Conceivably, immune-complex disease also could occur from the repeated deposition of such complexes during various acute and recurrent virus infections.

It should be emphasized that, in addition to virion-antibody complexes, antibody bound to virus-induced membrane antigens, soluble viral antigens, and viral nucleoproteins might contribute to the pool of circulating immune complexes.

The mechanism of tissue injury associated with deposition of virus-antibody complexes is presumably similar to that involved in the deposition of nonviral antigen-antibody complexes.

It is known that activation of the complement sequence by immune complexes can effect the release of substances that have the capacity to increase vascular permeability, contract smooth muscle, and attract polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leucocytes.

These factors would seem to play a role in the tissue injury associated with immune-complex disease.

In addition, it has been postulated that immune complexes might activate components of the clotting system and there by cause the deposition of fibrin.


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